Lime Scooters
This was a project I did for an independent study. I had to pick a company and design advertisements for them. This required me to do my own research and collect content to design the posters.
I chose Lime, the electric scooter company because they have become very popular in Spokane, Washington in recent years. It is nice to have these electric scooters all throughout the city. They are very convenient and make it easy to grab one and zip around Spokane. Lime has also added electric bikes. These electric sources of travel help reduce gas usage and make it easier to get around Spokane without having to find parking in the busy city. I wanted to promote these transportation devices so more people will choose them over driving their vehicles if possible.
Initial Research
I did a lot of research to make sure that i could represent Lime accurately.
Logging my research and many iterations on Milanote, a note board website.
Style Sheet
This was the style sheet I designed to keep all the poster cohesive.
In-app Icons
This is a screenshot of the icons the app uses to show you where the scooters and bikes are located.
Final Deliverables
I loved this project. I am very happy with how they turned out. The icons turned out really good and I like how it feels like you are using the app while looking at the poster. I wanted to use the app design since you can only use Lime devices using their app.